inspiring, empowering and training YOU to have the Audacity to Live WELL!

Why are you concerned with my Blood Type?

Blood type is important as it can verify why certain stressors are being found in the blood. Nutritionally speaking, we are what we eat, and each blood type is designed (via the amounts of digestive enzymes or lack thereof) to be able to digest certain types of food better than others. If you are eating food that is not compatible with your blood type, this could be the answer to your metabolic and digestive health issues, including fatigue, gas, bloating, weight gain and much more. Don’t know your blood type? No problem, your Live Blood Analyst will be happy to type it for you for a small fee of $10.00.

How Do I Choose the Appropriate Foods According to Blood Typology?

  • Blood Type O
    ‘O’ types do very well with red meat ( in moderation), poultry, fish, nut and seed proteins, vegetables, especially dark green and leafy ones, and fruits; they do not digest grains or dairy very well. Grains that do work for ‘O’ types are oat, amaranth, spelt, barley and rye. ‘O’’s should avoid oranges, and most melons. ‘O’ types should avoid the cabbage (brassica), and tomato (nightshade) families and corn.

  • Blood Type A
    ‘A’ types do well with vegetables, fruits, and grains such as spelt, amaranth, barley, buckwheat, oats, and rye. Wheat should be avoided. Proteins for ‘A’ blood type would be eggs, turkey, chicken, salmon, seeds and nuts. ‘A’ types should avoid oranges, cantaloupes and honeydews, but do very well with pineapple. ‘A’ types enjoy fermented dairy products such as yogurt or kefir. Proteins in beans and legumes are very good for ‘A’ types, excluding kidney, lima and garbanzo. Vegetables are vital to the ‘A’ type, avoiding tomatoes, potatoes, peppers and cabbage.

  • Blood Type B
    ‘B’ blood types enjoy the most rounded diet, including dairy (in moderation). ‘B’s should avoid wheat and rye products, lentils, corn, tomatoes and most nuts and seeds. Rice, oats and millet make good grain choices for ‘B’s. Vegetables are very beneficial to ‘B’ types, including potatoes, peppers and cabbages. ‘B’s need plenty of leafy greens. The ‘B’ blood type enjoys a wide range of fruits, exceptions being coconut and rhubarb. Pineapple helps with digestion.

  • Blood Type AB
    The ‘AB’ type is a mix of the ‘A’ and ‘B’ type. ‘AB’s often reporting feeling great eating certain foods for a while, and then having those same foods no longer agree with them. ‘AB’s need meat protein, but in small frequent amounts, like turkey and lamb, avoiding beef and chicken. ‘AB’s enjoy dairy like yogurt, cottage cheese, and eggs. ‘AB’s do well on grains, but limit bran consumption, buckwheat and corn. Oats, rye, and rice make better choices. ‘AB’s should eat plenty of fresh vegetables throughout the day and can eat tomatoes especially in season. Fruits to avoid are bananas, oranges, and mangos.

How Can Dynamic Nutrition Help You?

Nutritional recommendations are given at every appointment. Proper nutrition can help you reach your goals of optimal health, by devising a personalized plan that is just right for you, your unique body type and underlying health concerns.

A regimen plan can help rejuvenate your energy, increase and reboot your metabolism, stabilize blood sugar levels, decrease pain and inflammation, increase mental functioning providing clarity of thought and much more.

What is Regimen?

Regimen is thoroughly discussed with patients at their initial consultation. Regimen includes all aspects of nutrition, recreation/relaxation, hydration, and sleep as ways to improve one’s health and sense of wellbeing. These components are known as the Four Cardinal Points. Regimen is an integral part of all components of health care treatment, and is discussed as a part of all appointments.

The Four Cardinal Points

The four Cardinal Points are the four major components to good health and longevity. They are interrelated and integral to each other. If one of components is unbalanced, it can lead to problems with one’s health or perception thereof, and even to ‘dis’ease.

  1. Nutrition
    Nutrition as we look at it within this field pertains to more than just the food we eat, it is the type and quality with emphasis on whole foods, and the body’s ability to absorb and utilize the nutrients, minerals, and vitamins within the foods, right down to the cellular level.

  2. Sleep
    We often think that a good night’s sleep is just for kids, however, our body uses sleep to repair, restore, and process daily functioning and activity. Our body has a limit to the amount of sleepless nights that it can tolerate before it starts to shut down and weaken, allowing stress and ‘dis’ease states to emerge. There are also guidelines to the way we sleep, and what type of sleep, and when we should sleep in order to properly allow our body to rejuvenate itself.

  3. Hydration
    Hydration goes beyond drinking 6-8 glasses of water per day to also include the type of water that you drink, and the ability for your body to absorb and utilize it. It also includes the other types of fluids that you drink and how they can actually dehydrate your body, and ultimately your blood cells and internal organs.

    An important necessity for all patients is to drink sufficient amounts of pure water to be fully hydrated. Drinking a minimum of two litres of unadulterated water, not juice or tea, nor coffee, is necessary to maintain optimal health. Many complaints of patients can actually be pinpointed back to not having had enough water to drink. When a patient is fully hydrated a much clearer symptom picture is presented to the Practitioner so that the real diseases can be treated and not conditions arising from improper regimen particularly hydration.

  4. Exercise/Recreation
    Exercise is part of regimen, however, it is not looked at in the same way as one would think under the influence of society and media pressure to get out and sweat it out. How much is too much? Is there such a thing as too much exercise? What exercise best suits you and your body type? It is also important to note what types of recreational activities you engage in, as these activities can promote relaxation and fun, which in turn, decreases stress, and balances hormones.