Why the Epigenetic Report Empowers Optimized Wellbeing

Environmental and nutritional impact on a system is reflected in each report as a cascade of information. A useful analogy of this effect could be viewed as a pebble thrown into a pond and causing ripples which radiate out. These ripples (waves) carry much more information about the potential impact of the environment than just looking at the pebble alone. The small waves are constantly moving, interacting and adapting to all of the other environmental waves in the pond, before they fade away.

Cell Wellbeing's epigenetic technology allows us to understand the interactions of

impacts from the whole environmental picture and not just see each impacting wave

or even the pebble in isolation. It is this information which provides users with new

and completely different views of their living environment and specific individualized

nutritional and lifestyle protocols to optimize system function and wellbeing. 

Fresh hair bulb and shaft information fro four strands of hair and tenor roots must be

digitized within the first 3 minutes of plucking, for those who are keen on a

preventative, ongoing, anti-aging nutritional strategy.  In many cases, the 34+ page

report reflects underlying environmental and dietary issues long before they present

physically. The hair and their roots are ideally plucked from the occipital bone above

the nape of the neck.

Indications of a wide range of nutritional issues are highlighted in this type of

epigenetic information before they appear as physical needs or actual deficiencies. The returned report could indicate that there is a high probability that some of the nutritional stores are empty, even when the blood or tissues show normal levels. The signature waves that are used in the mapping technology are not a physical measure, but a carrier of information, they display a different picture of what may need addressing. Knowing this allows clients to consider preemptive measures against premature ageing, or performance issues, by correcting potential weaknesses or other issues associated with a poor nutritional diet or a toxic environment.

Why the Hair Bulb is an Epigenetic Marker

Hair belongs to the integumentary system that ​develops from the ectoderm

and thus it has the same embryological origin as the nervous system. Therefore it

shares the same characteristics as the neurons when it comes to sensation.

The root/bulb of the hair is the only part of the hair that is alive. meaning it is able to

self-regulate and self-replicate. It feeds from the blood vessels that bring information

and nutrients from the systemic microcirculation which is subcutaneous through the


The hair and its bulb are in fact an antenna that is constantly sensing and thus

detecting environmental signals emanating from the micro and macro environment.

So much so, that within the pilosebaceous unit there is a muscle called the arrector

pili muscle, which are small muscles attached to hair follicles and are the smallest muscles in the body.

This is the muscle that works as much as the cardiac muscle, since it is constantly sensing not just changes in temperature and atmospheric pressure, but vibration through resonance, and frequencies from the ecosystem and the surrounding area. the arrector pili muscle, along with the hair root bulb, were over-looked until recently as important environmental sensors - even though the hair has been accepted as an excellent bio marker.

The arrector pili muscle reacts instantly to a systems shock and fear, causing the hair to ‘stand on end’. the arrector pili muscle also relaxes when the system is calm. In addition its ‘sensing’ abilities have also been associated with the forewarning of impending danger. The arrector pili muscle also expands and contracts when the system is over heated or cooled. therefore the root bulb stores the epigenetic resonance information as it is connected to the arrector pili muscle.

Epigenetic Hair Reports
Empower Your Nutritional Food Choices, Maximize Your Gene Expression

The Epigenetic results form the basis of a 90 Day Personalized Nutritional & Diet Plan. 

Epigenetic reports reflect in a minimum of 30+ pages, potential functionality impacts caused by environmental irritants such as toxins, electro magnetic impacts (EMF's), nutrition, lifestyle and underlying food and gut stressors.

Each report provides a 90 day nutritional food plan and further advice to optimize wellbeing.

inspiring, empowering and training YOU to have the Audacity to Live WELL!

Epigenetic Hair Mapping

Cell Wellbeing's German epigenetic mapping Tesla coil technology and indexing program ranks the intensities, before using the data to generate the charts contained in the epigenetic environmental reports and nutritional optimization maps.

Each 34 - 36 page map reflects the personal environmental influences which could be impacting a client as seen through the information gathered by the s-drive. The mapping covers the following categories and items.

  • vitamins 
  • minerals 
  • essential fatty acids 
  • antioxidant 
  • amino acids 
  • toxins – chemicals, radiation, toxic metals
  • microbiology – bacteria, fungus
  • moulds/spores, parasites, virus
  • electro smog EMF & ELF in 14 major categories
  • gut and intestinal stressors
  • circulatory stressors
  • muscle recovery stressors
  • food intolerances and food additives to avoid

Cell Wellbeing Epigenetic Hair Testing 

Providing customized solutions for what your body says it needs.
discover your wellness future from your past

Epigenetic Science

Epigenetics is the science that shows that we do not need to be victims of our genetic inheritance. The human genome project, was expected to confirm the existence of over 100,000 individual genes. However, it was discovered that only 23,000 genes make up the human genome, barely more than the common fruit fly and far less than those found in a grain of rice.

This raised the question of what else could be controlling gene expression?

The answer is epigenetics, which is the interaction between environmental signals and the process of adaptation that living systems use to thrive. In 1700’s Jean-Baptistel Amarck proposed that life forms could acquire ‘information’ from their environment and incorporate it into their epigenome.

Quantum physics was incorporated into the field of molecular biology by Erwin Schrödinger to set the basis for what we now know as epigenetics.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is This Report a Treatment Plan for Any Illness?

NO, the report is not intended for the diagnosis, treatment, prevention or cure of any condition or illness. Cell Wellbeing has not been evaluated by the FDA.

What Are Epigenetic Factors?

Epigenetics is the study of the everyday influences in diet, environment and lifestyle affect how genes express.
In some cases, up to 98% of gene expression (the way the body is physically, mentally and emotionally) is controlled by the environment and lifestyle.

What Are You Measuring?

The system, through the process of resonance, determines the relevancy of a factor  by the ability of the system to detect resonance within the digital sample and reflect this in the size of the chart segment.

What Is Resonance?

When two systems have frequencies which are comparable they come into resonance. When the opera singer hits a note which resonates with the glass, it is able to absorb the energy from that note, until so much is stored, that the glass shatters.

Is the Largest Segment the Most Important?

Only within the context of the chart that it is in. As a chart can only add up to 100% of the total picture for that category, you cannot compare a chart with 3 categories with one that has 17.

What Does an Outlined Segment Mean?

Those segments with outlines are designated as ‘consider’ items, which still have moderate relevance but are not priority issues.

Are the Avoid Foods Listed Allergies?

No, we are not physically assessing immune response to the foods and they are not on the allergy spectrum. If there are foods to which you know or suspect are allergic, then you should avoid these even if they are not on the restrictions list.

Why Should I Restrict Certain Foods?

There are some foods to which we have limited genetic experience, we often have natural aversions to these. There are others which we eat too much of because we are creatures of habit and from time to time certain foods are just not compatible with our lifestyles. These foods are best restricted for a 90-day period.

Can You Influence Gene Expression?

To a large degree yes, genes have the ability to express in a number of ways, sometimes thousands of ways for the same gene. By changing the environment, you can find the best gene expression to support wellness. Epigenetic research shows that up to 98% of our genes are manipulatable by lifestyle and environment. 

Are the Nutrients Listed Deficiencies?

Nutrient deficiencies could be within normal levels by conventional measure but may require increased levels of that nutrient because of  lifestyle factors like exercise, stress, or health challenges. The reports are based on relevancy and resonance according to one's personal epigenetic expression.

Are the Toxins in My 'Environmental Challenges' Chart Poisoning Me?

The system does not measure quantity of toxins in the body, rather a resonance which can be epigenetic in nature meaning that the toxins could cause poor gene expression if exposure does occur. Supportive nutritional foods are recommended to assist the body with proper function and cleansing.

My Report Says I Have Parasites; Can You Prove It?

The report indicates the resonance of parasites, ( we all carry them) which could also be a predisposition to parasites. The report offers a nutritional plan with foods to support healthy gut microbiome and may help with parasitic resonance.

Why is the Plan For 90 Days?

When you change your diet, environment and lifestyle, it takes time for the body to react physically. After 90-days your body has gone through a reasonable support cycle and can be effectively checked again. The hair root bulb renews every 90 days which also supports and optimizes a 90-day follow-up. 

Why Do I Need a Follow Up Report, Surely They Will be the Same?

At a pure epigenetic level the body is homeodynamic, which means constantly adapting to the environment in a non-linear way. As we age, changes jobs, eat differently, get married, have kids, read a different paper, start exercising, stop exercising and hundreds upon hundreds of different daily/weekly/monthly changes, therefor our bodies need support in different ways as new stressors arise and old ones resolve. 

When Will I Notice Changes?

That’s impossible to say as there are so many variables and each person and set of circumstances is unique. Changes are usually noticed within the first 30 days but it can take up to 90 days and even beyond in some cases depending on underlying issues, conditions, factors, and the clients ability to follow their 90-day protocol. 

Are the Results Reproducible?

Epigenetic information that is mapped reflects the underlying energy status of the body which never adopts the same state twice. It is homeodynamic in nature and not homeostatic. Over time patterns of epigenetic tendencies can be seen in the reports and you get to know factors need addressing in the long run.